Deliver educator equity, quality, and effectiveness with Alludo!

CA Educator Effectiveness Grant


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AL_CA-EE-heroDeliver educator equity, quality, and effectiveness with Alludo!

CA Educator Effectiveness Grant


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Support every adult learner with coaching and mentoring in instructional setting

Single interface to do everything – curate, tailor, publish content; see evidence of learning; and provide feedback and recognition.

Get new teachers and administrators up to speed in an instant

They can easily learn district priorities and what content and curriculum is used in one place.

Focus on and improve teacher retention by giving them choice and voice

The secret to teacher retention is learner-centered professional development. Alludo is built on that.

Offer structured feedback and coaching on SEL and so much more

Alludo Content Catalog has fresh, curated content spanning SEL, PBIS/MTSS, digital citizenship, compliance, technology and applications, pedagogy, and curriculum.

Get teachers invested, engaged, and able to have impact

Personalized learning pathways based on each learner’s interests and skill level keep learning relevant. Gamification makes it fun and engaging.

Foster a community of learning that leads to meaningful classroom teaching experiences

Relevant learning and easy feedback and recognition loop make it easy for your learning leaders to support every single learner.

Provide effective, standards-aligned instruction (to improve literacy and beyond!)

A single place to serve, capture, and report on your entire professional learning program.

Re-engage pupils and and accelerate learning

Elective microlearning activities cultivate teachers’ curiosity and provide a safe place to experiment. Successful strategies are brought to the classroom to accelerate learning.

Improve pupil well-being via SEL, trauma-informed practices, suicide prevention, access to mental health services

The Alludo Content Catalog gives you access to SEL, PBIS/MTSS, digital citizenship, compliance, technology and applications, pedagogy, and curriculum.

Support global training initiatives for positive culture, being a good citizen, and understanding bias

Alludo Content Catalog provides an ever-expanding library of content covering these topics and more!

Provide new professional learning networks for educators

Alludo’s engagement rate is 70-90% and extends to school, district, nation, and beyond!

Implement effective ELL/ELD, incorporate ethnic studies curricula, and support educators in early childhood

Pull from existing curricula in our shared community catalog or create your own custom instructional content in minutes.

Support every adult learner with coaching and mentoring in instructional setting

Single interface to do everything – curate, tailor, publish content; see evidence of learning; and provide feedback and recognition.

Get new teachers and administrators up to speed in an instant

They can easily learn district priorities and what content and curriculum is used in one place.

Focus on and improve teacher retention by giving them choice and voice

The secret to teacher retention is learner-centered professional development. Alludo is built on that.

Offer structured feedback and coaching on SEL and so much more

Alludo Content Catalog has fresh, curated content spanning SEL, PBIS/MTSS, digital citizenship, compliance, technology and applications, pedagogy, and curriculum.

Get teachers invested, engaged, and able to have impact

Personalized learning pathways based on each learner’s interests and skill level keep learning relevant. Gamification makes it fun and engaging.

Foster a community of learning that leads to meaningful classroom teaching experiences

Relevant learning and easy feedback and recognition loop make it easy for your learning leaders to support every single learner.

Provide effective, standards-aligned instruction (to improve literacy and beyond!)

A single place to serve, capture, and report on your entire professional learning program.

Re-engage pupils and and accelerate learning

Elective microlearning activities cultivate teachers’ curiosity and provide a safe place to experiment. Successful strategies are brought to the classroom to accelerate learning.

Improve pupil well-being via SEL, trauma-informed practices, suicide prevention, access to mental health services

The Alludo Content Catalog gives you access to SEL, PBIS/MTSS, digital citizenship, compliance, technology and applications, pedagogy, and curriculum.

Support global training initiatives for positive culture, being a good citizen, and understanding bias

Alludo Content Catalog provides an ever-expanding library of content covering these topics and more!

Provide new professional learning networks for educators

Alludo’s engagement rate is 70-90% and extends to school, district, nation, and beyond!

Implement effective ELL/ELD, incorporate ethnic studies curricula, and support educators in early childhood

Pull from existing curricula in our shared community catalog or create your own custom instructional content in minutes.