5 Ways to Utilize Alludo

in Your District or School

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New Teacher Onboarding

New Teacher Onboarding

At Alludo, we’re dedicated to eliminating the aspects of traditional teacher onboarding processes that don’t work well. Onboarding materials are hard to keep current. In-person orientation means you have to offer it in a firehose-style fashion that inundates new employees with information at the onset, that they will likely not retain.

Classified Staff Training

Classified Staff Training

With consistent, effective school staff training, you can transform your school culture into one where educators and faculty feel welcome, equipped, and excited to support their very important role with your school district. Alludo for classified staff training contributes to inclusion, equity amongst faculty, and school staff effectiveness.

Cybersecurity Training

Cybersecurity Training

Alludo makes data protection and protecting against security threats really simple with our Cybersecurity Program. This program provides district leaders a single, comprehensive, platform for curating, publishing, managing, and measuring all cybersecurity training efforts to ensure data protection and safe online practices goals are reached.

Classified Staff Training

Classified Staff Training

With consistent, effective school staff training, you can transform your school culture into one where educators and faculty feel welcome, equipped, and excited to support their very important role with your school district. Alludo for classified staff training contributes to inclusion, equity amongst faculty, and school staff effectiveness.

Cybersecurity Training

Cybersecurity Training

Alludo makes data protection and protecting against security threats really simple with our Cybersecurity Program. This program provides district leaders a single, comprehensive, platform for curating, publishing, managing, and measuring all cybersecurity training efforts to ensure data protection and safe online practices goals are reached.

Special Education Programs

Special Education Programs

Alludo makes inclusive education for every student possible, regardless of disability or unique need. Our professional development platform that makes it easy to manage a special education program that your entire district can contribute to. Equip every educator and classified staff with the knowledge of special needs throughout your district and the training material to effectively deliver special education services!

Training Management System

Training Management System

Employee onboarding, ongoing training management, compliance, and professional learning! At Alludo, we do something really well, and that is end-to-end district staff training management in one training management platform! Our employee training software provides school districts with a single, comprehensive, platform for curating, publishing, managing, and measuring learning to fulfill all online training needs.

Training Management System

Training Management System

Employee onboarding, ongoing training management, compliance, and professional learning! At Alludo, we do something really well, and that is end-to-end district staff training management in one training management platform! Our employee training software provides school districts with a single, comprehensive, platform for curating, publishing, managing, and measuring learning to fulfill all online training needs.